Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Past Several Days in a Nutshell

Things have been relatively chill this past week. I hung around Christchurch this weekend.

Friday, I went to a University club wine tasting event called Red Wine 101. It was cool.

Saturday was beautiful out. I slept in a bit then went on a solo day trip to Sumner/ Taylor's Mistake. It was really nice to get some hiking in, relax on the beach, and watch all of the surfers. At night some friends of mine hosted "Wine tasting part 2". It was very low key and a great end to a beautiful day.

Sunday I went climbing at The Roxx for about 4-5 hours with some people. I got some good climbs... there were definitely a few that kicked my butt though. I'll have to go back and redeem myself some time as the weather gets chillier. At night I stopped by my friend's 21st birthday party and got into a few arm-wrestling competitions.

Monday, was interesting. I painted a picture. The night was lovely. About 11 friends came over and I cooked a big Italian dinner for them. I made:
-Pasta with cauliflower, broccoli, tomato and a garlic sauce
-Polenta with sauteed mushrooms in balsamic with red pepper and Parmesan
-An apple, carrot, spinach salad
-Steamed sweet potatoes and beets
-toast with whole grain mustard and olives on top
-Ginger tea and store bought cake for dessert

Tuesday was a typical day of class and lab. In the evening a local friend took me out to Cattlestop crag were he taught me how to lead climb! It was epic. We celebrated by drinking some beers under the star-cluttered sky on the crag we were climbing on (which over looks Christchurch). I should have gotten a picture. Good life talks.
This weekend he is taking his girlfriend, Rachel, and myself on an adventure to Kiakoura to hunt for deer... should be interesting.

That's about it for now. Really missing some people back in the states but the community I have here is very healthy.


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