Saturday, May 9, 2015


TWALKing Mutant Ninja Turtles

The team assembled on a windy Saturday morning. Armed with a compass, map, and some (terrible) clues we were whisked away to an unknown location. The bus approached a lake between some mountains; we were released. Hundreds of people in crazy costumes rushed in packs to the first control. 

The controls ended up being random words written on dinner plates. One by one, through freezing waters and bushes of matagouri we collected these words. After several hours hiking around the base of a hill, we collected 14 controls and our first leg was complete. 

We made it to the hash house (our headquarters) for some free hot food and drinks. Mandatory 30 minutes of rest then off on the second leg. Little did we know the perils that awaited. 

As the sun hung dangerously close to the horizon, three of us set out for leg 2. We were filled with hope as we pushed through gnarly bushes of matagouri up the hill. In about an hour's time, the sun set and storm clouds rolled in. We became utterly lost in the dark climbing up and down ridges in the howling wind and rains. We saw headlamps come and go, wandering in the distance. After a few hours, we gave up on leg 2. Our new objective was to navigate back to the hash house. We eventually made it, covered in mud and rain. After about an hour of rest, the three of us combined efforts with another group and set out on leg 3. 

At this time, the clouds had cleared and the moonlight bathed the valleys in a soft light. We laughed and walked and were passed by 60 year old women. We obtained about half of the controls on leg three then turned back for some rest at the hash house. 

We decided to get some rest. We set up camp, ate, and napped for about 3-4 hours. Once we were all up, we decided to attempt leg 4. Half awake, we only got a few from this leg before the 24 hours were up. 

In the end, we got 40 something place out of 60 something people... not bad given that the top teams were composed of ultra-marathon runners. 

The evening was celebrated with bacon mango burgers and mashed potatoes. Good weekend. 

Chch Life


I have been taking it pretty easy since the end of the holiday. Finished up some assignments and have been hanging around uni cooking and chilling. Finally finished those moccasins that I've been talking about. And finished the scarf I've kitting right in time for the weather to start getting chilly. 
All of the leaves are changing colors and starting to fall. The nights are getting pretty chilly. 

Last weekend: Saw some live music at a bar, went to an outlet mall, made some goat stew; all in all a pretty low key weekend. 

This weekend: Pictures (if there are any) coming soon! Rachel, James, Andrew, and I grouped up as the 'Twalking Mutant Ninja Turtles' for a 24 hour orienteering event called TWALK. It is hosted by the tramping club and people of all ages come from all over the country to take part in an epic 100's-of-km-24-hour-navigation race. It was pretty sweet. I'll make a post about it later. 

Speaking of epic things, Will, Drew, and I made some choice (kiwi term meaning excellent, great, etc.) vege soup and grilled cheeses last night. It had kumera, beets, carrots, mushrooms, corn, cabbage, onions, apples, and carrot greens.