Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Trading Mountains for Portillo's

Photo taken by Maddy Tank

In about six weeks I'll be heading back to the states. It's quite sad, actually. I've really grown to love it here. New Zealand is a beautiful country.

It has made me realize how HUGE the states are. Most Americans don't realize it but plenty of countries out there are significantly smaller than the USA. I would like to take some time and explore my own country some more.

WATCH this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUF_Ckv8HbE

Monday, May 18, 2015

Hitchin' Around

Well this weekend was quite eventful. Jeff and I hitched full circuit from Christchurch through Lewis pass, to Westport, to Punakiki, to Greymouth then back through Arthur's pass in four and a half days. Camped all but one night with plenty of great food and laughs.